Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Mobile Baby

Beep. Beep. Baby Backin up. Beep. Beep.


  1. It won't be long now until Ellie is on the move! Time to buy a baby gate...

  2. Hi John,Katie & Ellie, I like your video.
    She is so darling and still so tiny. She will soon be crawling all over the place. Hope you all are doing well. I recently got on facebook and I've put some pics and a movie up that you might enjoy from Aug 2004, our Birthaversary Party, Deb's 50th Birthday and the 25th Aniv Celebration we had not had yet. Grandpa Ruby (died that Oct)and Cindy are both in the video.
    I just added another blog today to about making homemade noodles last night.
    Aunt Deb for the Crivaro Family
